
Decolonization: In this class, we are focusing on how the colonization of Latin America created economic, social, and racial disparities in Latin American culture and art. The process of learning how colonization shaped Latin American society involves deconstructing the impact of colonization and how we examine art from Latin America with the knowledge of historical and current colonization.

Theology: This course is a theology course and examines several different religions that have impacted Latin American art both before and after colonization. Some of the religious and spiritual beliefs covered in the course include Mayan and Incan spiritual beliefs and Catholicism.

Pacha: This is a Quechua word that roughly translates to worlds. The Incas believed that there were three worlds: hanaq pacha (the world above), key pacha (the world we exist in), ukhu pacha (the world below). These worlds intersect and diverge continuously in many ways. These ideas are different from the Christian ideas of heaven and hell.

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